This is what my mom taught me. Let me give you the guidelines and ingredients.
1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil (in my case i used Rahma, the more greener is the oil, the tastier)
1 pack of spaghetti noodles, boiled (or any other type of pasta, 400 grams)
1/4 cup garlic, minced
1 tablespoon onions, minced
Basil leaves (here, i use McCormick Dried Basil Leaves)
1/2 tables spoon of salt
Eden kraft cheese, grated (optional)
1. Heat pan in medium heat. Put the oil into the pan with the garlic and the onions and saute until garlic is golden brown. Then, turn in low heat to avoid the olive oil to burn and contain its flavor.
2. Put the noodles into the pan and saute to incorporate the flavor into the pasta and add in basil leaves. The more, the merrier but depending of the intensity of aroma you want into your dish. This is how we do our dishes, we like it to put it in ways unpredictable to those who will eat. ^_^
3. Add in salt. Mix until everything is incorporated.
* You can toast more garlic but separate it from the noodles to be sauteed. So when it's time to eat, diners or guests can add garlic into their plate. Garlic is the one giving the taste while the Basil gives the aroma ang texture to the pasta.
* Sometimes, my mom sets aside sauteed ground pork in soysauce. It gives a difference. Even tuna can be incorporated into the dish.
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